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SCREEN-VALUE attribute
The data value in the screen buffer associated with the widget.
Data type:
Applies to:
Note that setting the SCREEN-VALUE attribute does not affect the record buffer. To apply the updated value to the record buffer you must explicitly assign the field or variable. Likewise, assigning the record buffer does not affect the screen buffer. To display a value in the record buffer, you must explicitly assign it to the SCREEN-VALUE attribute or implicitly move it to the screen buffer using a DISPLAY or UPDATE statement.
For combo boxes, this attribute returns the screen buffer value of the combo box fill-in. If no item in the list is selected or the list is empty, this attribute returns the Unknown value (?). Setting this attribute to an item in the list deselects the previously selected item and assigns the value of the selected item to the fill-in screen buffer. For SIMPLE and DROP-DOWN combo boxes, if the new value in the fill-in is not an item in the list, the fill-in screen buffer is set to the new value and no item in the list is selected. For DROP-DOWN-LIST combo boxes, if the new value in the fill-in is not an item in the drop down list, the AVM ignores the value and displays a warning message.
For browse cells, screen values are applied to the buffers automatically when the user leaves the row. If the browse has the NO-ASSIGN option specified in the DEFINE BROWSE statement or it is a dynamic browse, then you must apply the screen values.
Changing the SCREEN-VALUE attribute for a browse column is useful in setting the cells in a non-database browse column.
In Windows, SCREEN-VALUE applies to the regular editor and to the large editor.

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