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MULTIPLE attribute
Indicates the selection behavior of browse selection list widgets, and the read and write behavior of the system clipboard.
Data type:
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For browse widgets, the MULTIPLE attribute specifies whether the user can select multiple rows from the widget, or only a single row. (Typically, the selected rows are processed in response to a DEFAULT-ACTION event.) The MULTIPLE attribute is read-only for browse widgets. The MULTIPLE attribute for a browse can be set before the browse is realized. Use the MULTIPLE or SINGLE option of the browse phrase in the DEFINE BROWSE statement to set the selection behavior for a browse widget. The MOUSE-SELECT-DOWN and MOUSE-SELECT-UP events are generated as the user scrolls through the browse.
For selection-list widgets, the MULTIPLE attribute specifies whether the user can select multiple items from the widget, or only a single item. (Typically, the selected rows are processed in response to a DEFAULT-ACTION event.) You can specify selection behavior for a selection list using the MULTIPLE or SINGLE option of a SELECTION-LIST phrase. You can set this attribute for a selection list only before the widget is realized.
For the CLIPBOARD handle, the MULTIPLE attribute specifies whether the AVM reads and writes data to the CLIPBOARD handle as multiple items or as a single item. For more information, see the CLIPBOARD system handle reference entry.

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