
VISIBLE attribute

Indicates whether a widget is currently visible on the display.

Data type: LOGICAL

Access: Readable/Writeable

Applies to: BROWSE widget (browse and column), BUTTON widget, COMBO-BOX widget, CONTROL-FRAME widget, DEBUGGER system handle, DIALOG-BOX widget, EDITOR widget, FIELD-GROUP widget, FILL-IN widget, FRAME widget, IMAGE widget, LITERAL widget, MENU widget, MENU-ITEM widget, RADIO-SET widget, RECTANGLE widget, SELECTION-LIST widget, SLIDER widget, SUB-MENU widget, TEXT widget, TOGGLE-BOX widget, WINDOW widget

This attribute is read-only for field groups, menus, menu items, and submenus. A field-level widget must be specified in a frame definition before you set its VISIBLE attribute.

The behavior of the VISIBLE attribute depends on the setting of the HIDDEN attribute of related widgets:

OpenEdge Release 10.2B
Copyright © 2009 Progress Software Corporation