
TIC-MARKS attribute

(Windows only; Graphical interfaces only)

Enables the display of short hash marks on the outside of a slider to help indicate the movement of the trackbar with the slider widget. The default is not to display tic marks. If you specify the TIC-MARKS option, it is assumed that you are using new code to create a slider, and the trackbar on the slider widget will be relatively large.

However, if you omit the TIC-MARKS option, the AVM assumes that you are migrating old code, and the default size of the slider is the size originally defined for the slider in the old code.

Data type: CHARACTER

Access: Readable/Writeable

Applies to: SLIDER widget

If you want to use the large trackbar but do not want tic marks to display, specify TIC-MARKS NONE.

To implement the TIC-MARKS option, you must also specify on which side, or sides, of the trackbar tic-marks appear by using the additional qualifying values. Table 107 lists and defines these values.

Table 107: TIC-MARK values 
TIC-MARKS appear on the top of the slider only
TIC-MARKS appear on the bottom of the slider only
TIC-MARKS appear on the left side of the slider only
TIC-MARKS appear on the right side of the slider only
TIC-MARKS appear on both sides of the slider

The TIC-MARKS attribute must be set before the slider is realized. Also, you can use the FREQUENCY attribute with the TIC-MARKS attribute to indicate how frequently a tic mark will display along the trackbar of a slider.

OpenEdge Release 10.2B
Copyright © 2009 Progress Software Corporation