
PERSISTENT attribute

Indicates whether the procedure is persistent.

Data type: LOGICAL

Access: Readable/Writable

Applies to: Call object handle, Procedure object handle, SOURCE-PROCEDURE system handle, TARGET-PROCEDURE system handle, THIS-PROCEDURE system handle

The PERSISTENT attribute is TRUE when the RUN statement that executes a procedure is invoked with the PERSISTENT option. Otherwise, it is FALSE.

When a dynamic invoke returns and PERSISTENT is TRUE, the IN-HANDLE attribute contains a handle to the running persistent procedure.

When a Windows DLL or UNIX shared library is invoked dynamically and PERSISTENT is TRUE, the DLL or shared library remains loaded in memory until the AVM exits or the session executes the RELEASE EXTERNAL statement

Returns TRUE for a Web service procedure.

See also

IN-HANDLE attribute, INVOKE( ) method (Handle), RELEASE EXTERNAL statement, RUN statement

OpenEdge Release 10.2B
Copyright © 2009 Progress Software Corporation