
IN-HANDLE attribute

A handle to one of the following:

Data type: HANDLE

Access: Readable/Writable

Applies to: Call object handle

IN-HANDLE [ = { handle-expression | char-expression } ] 


The default is the Unknown value (?).

When you use IN-HANDLE to call an internal procedure, IN-HANDLE affects INVOKE( ) the same way the IN proc-handle phrase affects the RUN statement. Similarly, when you use IN-HANDLE to call a user-defined function, it affects INVOKE( ) the same way the IN proc-handle phrase affects the DYNAMIC-FUNCTION function. In both cases, IN-HANDLE specifies the instance of the external procedure that contains the internal procedure or user-defined function.

When IN-HANDLE is used to get or set an attribute or to invoke a method, it represents a handle to the object to which the attribute applies. If the attribute applies to a system object such as the SESSION handle or the FILE-INFO handle, IN-HANDLE can be set to a character string such as "SESSION" or "FILE-INFO" that indicates the name of the system object.

Note: When you create a running persistent procedure by running an external procedure persistently, you can do this statically or dynamically. Similarly, you can run any of the persistent procedure’s internal procedures and user-defined functions statically or dynamically.

For information on dynamically invoking logic that resides on an AppServer, see the reference entry for SERVER attribute.

OpenEdge Release 10.2B
Copyright © 2009 Progress Software Corporation