
FONT attribute

(Graphical interfaces only)

The number of the font of a widget.

Data type: INTEGER

Access: Readable/Writeable

Applies to: BROWSE widget (browse, column, and cell), BUTTON widget, COMBO-BOX widget, DIALOG-BOX widget, EDITOR widget, FILL-IN widget, FRAME widget, LITERAL widget, RADIO-SET widget, SELECTION-LIST widget, SLIDER widget, TEXT widget, TOGGLE-BOX widget, WINDOW widget

The font number represents an entry in the font table maintained by the FONT-TABLE handle.

For a browse cell, it specifies the font of a specific cell in the view port. You can set this font only as the cell appears in the view port during a ROW-DISPLAY event.

For browses, this attribute applies only to fill-in and combo-box browse columns.

Note: When the AUTO-RESIZE attribute is set to TRUE, the AVM resizes the following widgets with run-time changes to the FONT attribute: Buttons, Combo boxes, Editors, Fill-ins, Radio sets, Selection lists, Sliders, Texts, and Toggle boxes.

OpenEdge Release 10.2B
Copyright © 2009 Progress Software Corporation