

(Windows only)

Determines whether image colors are converted to the corresponding system 3D colors.

Return type: LOGICAL

Access: Readable/Writable

Applies to: BUTTON widget, IMAGE widget

The default value of this attribute for a button is TRUE; the default value for an image is FALSE.

The CONVERT-3D-COLORS attribute can be set after a widget is realized, but it will not take effect until an image is loaded into the widget using one of the following methods: LOAD-IMAGE( ), LOAD-IMAGE-UP( ), LOAD-IMAGE-DOWN( ), or LOAD-IMAGE-INSENSITIVE( ).

If the CONVERT-3D-COLORS attribute is TRUE either when the widget is realized or when any of the LOAD-IMAGE methods is executed, the AVM will convert the shades of gray in the image after loading it. Table 74 identifies and describes the colors that are converted.

Table 74: 3D-color conversions

If the color is . . .
And the original Red-Green-Blue (RGB) color value is . . .

Then the new converted system color is . . .
(255, 255, 255)
System button highlight color
Light Gray
(192, 192, 192)
System button face color
Dark Gray
(128, 128, 128)
System button shadow color
(0, 0, 0)
System button text color

OpenEdge Release 10.2B
Copyright © 2009 Progress Software Corporation