
CONNECT( ) method (AppServer)

Physically connects and associates an AppServer instance, or logically connects an application service, with the specified server handle. The current application becomes a client application of the connected AppServer.

Return type: LOGICAL

Applies to: Server object handle

CONNECT ( [ connection-parms ]  
            [ , userid ]  
            [ , password ]  
            [ , app-server-info ] ) 

All of the parameters for the CONNECT( ) method are optional and have defaults if you do not specify them.

[ userid ] [ , password ] [ , app-server-info ]

If an error occurs while executing the CONNECT( ) method, the method returns FALSE. Otherwise, it returns TRUE. An error can occur if:

If the CONNECT( ) method completes successfully, the CONNECTED( ) method returns TRUE.

The connection lasts until the client application executes the server handle DISCONNECT( ) method or until the AVM detects any failure conditions that automatically terminate the connection.

The -URL connection parameter allows you to connect to an AppServer using the AppServer Internet Adapter (AIA) with the following protocols: HTTP and HTTPS.

For more information on AppServers or the AppServer Internet Adapter (AIA), see OpenEdge Application Server: Developing AppServer Applications.

OpenEdge Release 10.2B
Copyright © 2009 Progress Software Corporation