Sets the CURRENT-LANGUAGE variable for the current ABL session.
Note: Does not apply to SpeedScript programming.Syntax
ExampleThis example procedure uses the CURRENT-LANGUAGE function to find the current language, prompts the user to choose a new language, and then uses the CURRENT-LANGUAGE statement to reset and display the name of the new current language:
- The value of CURRENT-LANGUAGE might be a comma-separated list of language names. If so, the AVM searches r-code for a text segment that matches the first language in the list. If that segment is not found, then it searches for a text segment for the next entry in the list until a segment is found.
- You can initialize the CURRENT-LANGUAGE variable with the Language (-lng) parameter.
- The behavior of CURRENT-LANGUAGE when one procedure calls another is as follows:
- If a procedure changes the value of CURRENT-LANGUAGE, calls from the procedure to the CURRENT-LANGUAGE function return the name of the new language, but the procedure continues to use the character strings of the original language.
- If the procedure then runs another procedure, when the called procedure gets control, calls from the called procedure to the CURRENT-LANGUAGE function return the name of the new language, and the called procedure uses the character strings of the new language.
- When the called procedure finishes and control returns to the original procedure, calls from the original procedure to the CURRENT-LANGUAGE function return the name of the new language, but the original procedure continues to use the character strings of the original language.
See also
OpenEdge Release 10.2B