Namespace: Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Scheduler
ISchedulerService Copy to Clipboard
Parent classes:
Inherits: Progress.Lang.Object
Implemented by: Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Scheduler.SchedulerService

Purpose:Interface for der Scheduler Service
Description:This Interfaces exposes the scheduler control to an
application developer
Author(s):Mike Fechner / Consultingwerk Ltd.
Created:Tue Jul 12 15:21:03 CEST 2016

Top Method Summary
Options Name Purpose
+ Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Scheduler.IScheduleJobResponse ScheduleJob (character, character, datetime-tz, ISerializable) Schedules a Job for scheduled one time execution
+ Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Scheduler.IScheduleJobResponse ScheduleJob (character, character, ISerializable) Schedules a Job for direct one time execution
+ Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Scheduler.IScheduleJobResponse ScheduleJob (character, datetime-tz, ISerializable) Schedules a Job for scheduled one time execution
+ Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Scheduler.IScheduleJobResponse ScheduleJob (character, ISerializable) Schedules a Job for direct one time execution
+ SetJobStatusCancelSignal (character) Sets the signal to cancel a JobStatus
+ SetJobStatusOnHold (character) Sets a JobStatus OnHold. A job on hold can be later restarted
+ SetJobStatusResumed (character) Resumes a JobStatus that is on hold or to be cancelled

Method Detail

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Scheduler.IScheduleJobResponse ScheduleJob (character, character, datetime-tz, ISerializable)

Purpose: Schedules a Job for scheduled one time execution
Notes: Only creates an entry in the SmartSchedulerJobStatus table. An entry
in the SmartSchedulerJobPlan DB table is not required for one time
execution jobs

pcSchedulerJobName CHARACTER
The name of the scheduler job to execute
The name for the SchedulerJobStatus entry
pdtScheduleDateTime DATETIME-TZ
The date/time when the job schould be executed
poJobParameter Consultingwerk.ISerializable
The serializable Job Parameter instance
Returns Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Scheduler.IScheduleJobResponse
The IScheduleJobResponse describing the identifiers of the planned job

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Scheduler.IScheduleJobResponse ScheduleJob (character, character, ISerializable)

Purpose: Schedules a Job for direct one time execution
Notes: Only creates an entry in the SmartSchedulerJobStatus table. An entry
in the SmartSchedulerJobPlan DB table is not required for one time
execution jobs

pcSchedulerJobName CHARACTER
The name of the scheduler job to execute
The name for the SchedulerJobStatus entry
poJobParameter Consultingwerk.ISerializable
The serializable Job Parameter instance
Returns Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Scheduler.IScheduleJobResponse
The IScheduleJobResponse describing the identifiers of the planned job

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Scheduler.IScheduleJobResponse ScheduleJob (character, datetime-tz, ISerializable)

Purpose: Schedules a Job for scheduled one time execution
Notes: Only creates an entry in the SmartSchedulerJobStatus table. An entry
in the SmartSchedulerJobPlan DB table is not required for one time
execution jobs

pcSchedulerJobName CHARACTER
The name of the scheduler job to execute
pdtScheduleDateTime DATETIME-TZ
The date/time when the job schould be executed
poJobParameter Consultingwerk.ISerializable
The serializable Job Parameter instance
Returns Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Scheduler.IScheduleJobResponse
The IScheduleJobResponse describing the identifiers of the planned job

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Scheduler.IScheduleJobResponse ScheduleJob (character, ISerializable)

Purpose: Schedules a Job for direct one time execution
Notes: Only creates an entry in the SmartSchedulerJobStatus table. An entry
in the SmartSchedulerJobPlan DB table is not required for one time
execution jobs

pcSchedulerJobName CHARACTER
The name of the scheduler job to execute
poJobParameter Consultingwerk.ISerializable
The serializable Job Parameter instance
Returns Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Scheduler.IScheduleJobResponse
The IScheduleJobResponse describing the identifiers of the planned job

PUBLIC SetJobStatusCancelSignal (character)

Purpose: Sets the signal to cancel a JobStatus
Notes: Requires the JobStatus of Runnig

pcSchedulerJobStatusGuid CHARACTER
The GUID of the SchedulerJobStatus to put on hold

PUBLIC SetJobStatusOnHold (character)

Purpose: Sets a JobStatus OnHold. A job on hold can be later restarted
Notes: Requires the JobStatus of Scheduled

pcSchedulerJobStatusGuid CHARACTER
The GUID of the SchedulerJobStatus to put on hold

PUBLIC SetJobStatusResumed (character)

Purpose: Resumes a JobStatus that is on hold or to be cancelled
Notes: Requires the JobStatus of OnHold or to be cancelled (Running and Cancel = TRUE)

pcSchedulerJobStatusGuid CHARACTER
The GUID of the SchedulerJobStatus to put on hold

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