Parentpacke: Consultingwerk.SmartComponents

IDatasetControllerConsumer Interface for objects that expose a DatasetController using a property
IDynamicBrowseRendererCustomizer Service interface that allows extension of the DynamicBrowserRenderer
ISupportsFetchAll Interface for SmartDataAdapter's that support a FetchAll method to retrieve the remaining records from the backend

AfterAssignRecordEventArgs Event argument class for the AfterAssignRecord event of the SmartTempTableAdapter and the SmartDatasetAdapter (SmartBusinessEntityAdapter and SmartDatasetChildAdapter) classes
AfterCancelCreateRecordEventArgs Event argument for the AfterCreateRecord event
AfterCreateRecordEventArgs Event argument for the AfterCreateRecord event
AfterDeleteRecordEventArgs Event handler for the AfterCreateRecord event
AfterGetChangesEventArgs Event handler for the AfterGetChanges event
AfterInitializeBusinessEntityAdapterEventArgs Event argument for the AfterInitializeBusinessEntityAdapter event of the SmartBusinessEntityLookup Controls
AfterUpdateRecordEventArgs Event argument for the AfterUpdateRecord event
BeforeAssignRecordEventArgs Event argument for the BeforeAssignRecord event
BeforeCancelCreateRecordEventArgs Event argument for the BeforeCreateRecord event
BeforeCreateRecordEventArgs Event argument for the BeforeCreateRecord class
BeforeDeleteRecordEventArgs Event argument for the BeforeDeleteRecord event
BeforeGetChangesEventArgs Event argument for the BeforeGetChanges event
BeforeLookupDialogShownEventArgs Event argument for the BeforeLookupDialogShown event of the SmartBusinessEntityLookup control
BeforeUpdateRecordEventArgs Event argument for the BeforeUpdateRecord event
ControlValidateFailedException Error raised from Group Assign Target Viewers, when the Control:ValidateChildren Method returns false
DataSourceUpdateStateEventArgs Event argument for the BeginUpdateStateEvent
DynamicBrowserRenderer Rendering engine for SmartDynamicBrowser and SmartDynamicUpdatableBrowser controls
HandleValidationErrorEventArgs Event argument for the
KeepAliveService Service that performs keep alive AppServer calls
MergeChangesEventArgs Event Argument for the BeforeMergeChanges and AfterMergeChanges events of the SmartBusinessEntityAdapter
NewFetchDataRequestEventArgs Event argument class for the NewFetchDataRequest event of the SmartBusinessEntityAdapter class
SmartBusinessEntityAdapter Provides navigation and update capabilities for tables of a Business Entity ProDataset. Manages the Query and ProBindingSource at runtime and provides design time support using a custom TypeDescriptor
SmartBusinessEntityAdapterException Error class for assertions
SmartBusinessEntityAdapterSettings Helper class for the SmartBusinessEntityAdapter class to avoid the usage of static in the hybrid type
SmartBusinessEntityBindingSource Provides Design Time support for OERA Business Entities
SmartBusinessEntityLookup Lookup implementation with Support for OERA Business Entities
SmartComboEditor Extension to the Infragistics UltraComboEditor
SmartComboEditorRetrieveDataException Exception thrown by the SmartComboEditor:RetrieveData method
SmartDataBrowserSettings Helper class for the SmartDataBrowser class to avoid the usage of static in the hybrid type
SmartDataObjectValidationError Error class for validation errors returned from an ADM2 SmartDataObject
SmartDesignerSupportComponent Component which provides the "Insert UserControl" verb and can be used on any Form or UserControl
SmartDynamicBrowser Implementation of a SmartDataBrowser (UltraGrid derived Control) that receives it layout at runtime from a repository service
SmartDynamicUpdatableBrowser Implementation of a SmartUpdatableBrowser (UltraGrid derived Control) that receives it layout at runtime from a repository service
SmartDynamicViewer A dynamic viewer that can be styled by end users at runtime
SmartGenericLookup A generic Lookup implementation useful for any allowing lookups on any ISmartDataSource implementation
SmartNavigationPanel A simple navigation panel in Windows Vista / Windows 7 Explorer style
SmartPanelController Panel with TableIO and Navigation Buttons
SmartTempTableAdapter A SmartDataAdapter implementation that can be used to navigate and update any temp-table using the SmartComponent Library classes
SmartToolbarController Main Toolbar/Ribbon Component of the SmartComponent Library Provides controls for NavigationSource, TableIOSource and CommitSource functions
SmartToolbarControllerSettings Defaults for the SmartToolbarController class
SmartToolbarStateController State controller for SmartToolbarController and SmartRadRibbonController. Extracted the state handling logic from the SmartToolbarController to ensure the same state model is implemented in both Ribbon style Smart Toolbars
SmartUpdatableBrowser Updatable browser implementation
TableIOTargetControl Controls enabled Table IO Tools for the SmartToolbarController
UnableToRefreshCurrentRowExcepiton Depricated (typo in class name). Please use UnableToRefreshCurrentRowException
UnableToRefreshCurrentRowException Exception thrown from the SmartBusinessEntityAdapter:RefetchCurrentRow method when the current row is modified
ValidationException Error raised for validation errors received from the backend

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