Parentpacke: Consultingwerk.Framework

CharacterDictionary A general purpose Dictionary class with a Character as the key and a Character as the value
CharacterDictionaryEnumerator Enumerator for the ABL Primitive Dictionary Classes
CharacterList A general purpose List class with a Character as the key and a Character as the value
CharacterListEnumerator Enumerator for the ABL Primitive List Classes
HandleDictionary A general purpose Dictionary class with a Character as the key and a Integer as the value
HandleDictionaryEnumerator Enumerator for the ABL Primitive Dictionary Classes
HandleList A general purpose List class with a Character as the key and a Integer as the value
HandleListEnumerator Enumerator for the ABL Primitive List Classes
IntegerDictionary A general purpose Dictionary class with a Character as the key and a Integer as the value
IntegerDictionaryEnumerator Enumerator for the ABL Primitive Dictionary Classes
IntegerList A general purpose List class with a Character as the key and a Integer as the value
IntegerListEnumerator Enumerator for the ABL Primitive List Classes
ListIErrorHandler List of IErrorHandler implementations
RowidDictionary A general purpose Dictionary class with a Character as the key and a Rowid as the value
RowidDictionaryEnumerator Enumerator for the ABL Primitive Dictionary Classes

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