Parentpacke: Consultingwerk.Framework

IEnumerable Interface definition for classes supporting the Enumerator pattern, typically implemented by Lists or Collections
IEnumerator Interface for Enumerators of Lists, Collections or Dictionaries
ISupportsListChanged Interface for List implementations that support the ListChanged event
ISupportsListHash Interface for Enumeratable classes that provide a hash value representing the current list contents as an alternative to the ISupportsListChanged event which depends on event subscriptions and thus may cause circular object references

AblPrimitiveDictionary Abstract foundation for dictionaries of ABL primitive values
AblPrimitiveList Abstract foundation for lists of ABL primitive values
Dictionary A List class for Progress.Lang.Object instances
DictionaryEnumerator Provides Enumaration for Dictionary members
GenericDictionary Am abstract generic dictionary foundation
GenericList Abstract base class for generic lists
List A List class for Progress.Lang.Object instances
ListChangedEventArgs Event argument for the ListChanged event of lists, collections or dictionaries that implement the ISupportsListChanged event
ListEnumerator Provides enumeration for the List class

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