Parentpacke: Consultingwerk.BusinessEntityDesigner

IDataRelationFieldsService Interface describing method(s) required by classes that can be used to return the field names used by new DATA-RELATION objects in the business entity generator
IFieldNameGeneratorService Interface describing method(s) required by classes that can be used to generate temp-table field names for the business entity generator
ITableNameGeneratorService Interface for classes that support the TableNameGeneratorService setting in the Business Entity Designer options. Classes implementing this Interface can be used to translate database table names into temp-table names (e.g. Replacing - or _ with a camel-case syntax. The Temp-Table name prefix and suffix settings will still be applied to the temp-table names.

BusinessEntityBusinessEntity Business Entity provides access to business entity designs using bedgm files
BusinessEntityDatasetController Dataset Controller for the Business Entity Dataset
CancelableFileEventArgs Event Argument class for the BeforeFileOpen and BeforeFileSave event of the BusinessEntityDatasetController
DatabaseSchemaDataAccess Retrieves Database Schema information for the Business Entity Designer
DatabaseSchemaDatasetController Dataset Controller for the Database Schema Dataset
DataRelationFieldsService Default IDataRelationFieldsService Implementation Used to return the field names used by new DATA-RELATION objects in the business entity generator
FieldNameGeneratorService Default field name generator service
FieldNameGeneratorService2 Alternative field name generator service
FieldRemovedHandlingEnum Enum with possible values how to deal with temp-table fields that are still part of the model, but the source database field is not longer existing
FileEventArgs Event Argument class for the AfterFileOpen and AfterFileSave event of the BusinessEntityDatasetController
OpenSaveParameter Parameter object for the Open and Save methods of the Business Entity Designer
TableNameGeneratorService Default TableNameGeneratorService implementation The Temp-Table name prefix and suffix settings will still be applied to the temp-table names.
TempTableAstNodeAvailableEventArgs Event argument for the TempTableAstNodeAvailable event of the TempTableAstWalker class
TempTableAstWalker Walks the Proparse AST searching for Temp-Table nodes
TempTableImporter Imports a temp-table into the Business Entity model

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