Namespace: Consultingwerk.BusinessEntityDesigner.Generator.Viewer
IControlGeneratorFactoryExt Copy to Clipboard
Parent classes:
Inherits: Progress.Lang.Object

Purpose:Service Interface for Factory for ControlGenerator instances
used by the SmartViewerBuilder
Description:This variant of the GetControlGenerator method receives
an ControlGeneratorFactoryParameter instance as the
method parameter
Author(s):Mike Fechner / Consultingwerk Ltd.
Created:Thu Sep 04 22:57:43 CEST 2014
Notes:This is an alternative serivce interface to
IControlGeneratorFactory. Only one of these two interfaces
should be registered in the ServiceContainer (services.xml)

Top Method Summary
Options Name Purpose
+ Consultingwerk.BusinessEntityDesigner.Generator.IControlGenerator GetControlGenerator (SmartViewerBuilder, ControlGeneratorFactoryParameter) Generates and returns a ControlGenerator instance for a binding source field

Method Detail

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.BusinessEntityDesigner.Generator.IControlGenerator GetControlGenerator (SmartViewerBuilder, ControlGeneratorFactoryParameter)

Purpose: Generates and returns a ControlGenerator instance for a binding source field
Notes: The SmartViewerBuilder will assign the following properties to the
ControlGenerator instance created from this factory:
DataBindings, Left, Name, ContainerControlGenerator, TabOrder, Top

poViewerBuilder Consultingwerk.BusinessEntityDesigner.Generator.Viewer.SmartViewerBuilder
The reference to the viewer builder instance
poParameter Consultingwerk.BusinessEntityDesigner.Generator.Viewer.ControlGeneratorFactoryParameter
The ControlGeneratorFactoryParameter instance with the data for this call
Returns Consultingwerk.BusinessEntityDesigner.Generator.IControlGenerator
The IControlGenerator instance for the current field or ? when the default control generator should be used

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