Parentpacke: Consultingwerk.Windows.Framework

IMainMenuRenderer Defines functioanlity required for classes that can render the main menu and ribbon tabs

LastRecentlyUsedExplorerBarGroupController Renders the last recently used menu items in an Ultra Explorer Bar Group
MainMenuRenderer Renders the Main Menu and Ribbon to be displayed from SmartFramework. The reference implementation can be seen in Consultingwerk.Windows.Framework.Reference.MainMenuForm.
MenuStructureExplorerBarGroupController Allows the rendering of SmartFramework Menu Structrures as Ribbon Tabs
MenuStructureRibbonTabController Allows the rendering of SmartFramework Menu Structrures as Ribbon Tabs
MenuStructureUltraToolbarController Abstract base class for UltraToolbarsManager based rendering of menu structures
MenuTaskListControl UltraExplorerBar that is populated from an IMenuStructureProvider service and can start menu functions using the IMenuFunctionLauncher
MenuTreeViewControl Menu Tree that is populated from an IMenuStructureProvider service and can start menu functions using the IMenuFunctionLauncher service

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