Parentpacke: Consultingwerk.Util

ILoggingStream Interface for logging classes

FileLoggingStream Logging stream with output to a file
LoggingEventArgs Event Argument for the WriteMessage event of the PubSubLoggingStream
LoggingStream Abstract base class for LoggingStream implementations
LogManagerLoggingStream LoggingStream implementations that writes to the Consultingwerk.Util.LogManager class
LongcharLoggingStream ILoggingStream implementation which writes to a LONGCHAR variable
MessageLoggingStream ILoggingStream implementation that writes to stdout using the MESSAGE statement.
ParallelLoggingStream LoggingStream implementations that writes to two LoggingStream implementation in parallel
PubSubLoggingStream Event based implementation of the ILoggingStream interface
SerializableLongcharLoggingStream Serializable variant of the LongcharLoggingStream
StreamHandleLoggingStream Logging stream with output to a stream handle

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