Parentpacke: Consultingwerk

The Consultingwerk.Exceptions package contains specialized error classes. The classes in this package do extend the Progress.Lang.AppError class. Classes may implement the following interfaces that control specific error functionality.

Interface name Description
IDoNotShowException This interface is for error classes that should not be visualized using the Consultingwerk.Util.ErrorHelper class. This is useful for errors that should just indicate that a method has been cancelled but are not relevant to the end user.
IErrorTitle Errors implementing this interface provide a Title property that will be used as the title of error message dialogs rendered by the Consultingwerk.Util.ErrorHelper class.
ISupportsInnerException Errors implementing this interface provide an InnerException property that provides access to the original error that caused a higher level exception.

See Consultingwerk.Util.ErrorHelper class for further information.
IDoNotShowException Interface for Error classes that should not be causing a message box/dialog when passed to the Consultingwerk.Util.ErrorHelper methods. Those errors could still be handled using then IErrorHandler implementation
IErrorTitle Interface for Errors that support a Title property to be used for error dialogs
IInvalidResourceException Flag Interface used to return http status code 404
IProvidesSessionInfo Interface for error classes that provide the SessionInfo property
ISupportsInnerException Supports the InnerException pattern for error objects
ISupportsOriginalStackTrace Supports the OriginalStackTrace pattern for error objects

CancelException An Error object signalling that the called operation has been cancelled (exit or returned).
CompileException Exception thrown from the CompileHelper:CompileFile method
DatasetException Exception raised by the DatasetHelper:ThrowDatasetErrors method with the ERROR-STRING's of the ProDataset records
DoNotShowException Common base error class for errors that do not need to be shown using the ErrorHelper class
Exception Common base error class, implementing inner exception handling / access, returning the Error instance that caused the current exception.
ExceptionWithTitle Common base error class, implementing inner exception handling / access, returning the Error instance that caused the current exception.
FileNotFoundException Exception raised for files not found
IgnoreAtServiceInterface Base class for Exceptions which will be caught and ignored by the Service Interface and thus not returned to the caller.
ImageNotFoundException Exception raised when an image is not found by the ImageHelper:Load method
InvalidHandleException An error object thrown to signal an invalid widget handle
InvalidParameterValueException An error object thrown to signal invalid parameter values
InvalidQueryOperatorException Exception thrown by the Consultingwerk.QueryParser class when an unsupported query term was foudn
InvalidQueryTermException Exception thrown by the Consultingwerk.QueryParser class when an unsupported query term was foudn
InvalidReferenceException An error object thrown to signal an invalid widget handle
InvalidTypeException An error object thrown to signal invalid types
InvalidValueException An error object thrown to signal invalid (parameter) values
IoException Generic Exception for IO based issues
JsonSerializationException Exception thrown by Json-Serialization and Deserialization
NotSupportedException General purpose error class for methods that are not supported
ParameterNullValueException An error object thrown to signal invalid parameter null values
QueryParsingException Exception thrown by the Consultingwerk.QueryParser class when an unsupported query term was foudn
RecordAlreadyExistsException Exception thrown by DataAccess and SmartDatasetAdapter when an update record conflicts with another record.
SetDbClientException Exception raised when the SET-DB-CLIENT command fails
StopConditionException Exception thrown when a STOP condition has been catched
UnmatchedBracketException Exception thrown from the StringHelper:FindClosingBracket() method
UnmatchedQuoteException Exception thrown from the StringHelper:FindClosingQuote() method
XmlSerializableException Exception thrown by the XmlSerialable class during serialization and deserialization

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