Parentpacke: Consultingwerk.BusinessEntityDesigner


BusinessEntityDesignerForm Main Form of the Consultingwerk BusinessEntity Designer
BusinessEntityDesignerSettingsForm Dialog to main settings of the Business Entity Designer
BusinessEntityGeneratorLogControl Displays log information for the Business Entity Generator
BusinessEntityModelCodeAssistSchemaProvider Provides Schema information based on the Business Entity Model
BusinessEntitySourceEditorForm An Editor for the generated source code
BusinessEntityViewerControl Viewer Control for the eBusinessEntity table
CopyFieldsForm Allows to copy field names to the windows clipboard
CustomPropertiesEditorForm Supports editing custom properties for the Business Entity, Temp-Tables, Data-Relations, Fields and Indexes
DatabaseFieldsControl User Control that allows dragging individual database fields to the Business Entity Design Canvas
DatabaseLoginPreferencesForm Allows to remove opt-out from DB Login
DataRelationFieldPickerForm Provides an user interface to associate fields for a data-relation
FieldEditorForm Form that enables the user to maintain the fields of a Business Entity Table
FieldRemovedPromptForm Prompt for the action to be taken when fields haev been removed from the database
FieldValidationPropertiesControl User Control with field validation settings
FieldViewerControl Viewer Control for the eField Table
IndexViewerControl Viewer Control for the eIndex Table
MemberTableViewerControl Viewer Control for the eTable Table
NewFieldInIncludeFileForm Dialog used by TempTableImported when a new field has been found in the include file
PasteSourceCodeForm Provides an user interface to paste ABL source code from the clipboard
RelatedTablesControl User Control that allows dragging individual database fields to the Business Entity Design Canvas
ReorderFieldsForm Provides an user interface to reorder fields in a temp-table
TableImportForm Provides an user interface to select tables to import from ABL source code

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