Parentpacke: Ccs

IBusinessEntity CCSBE 1.0 Interface for Business Entities
IGetDataRequest Inteface for the request object passed to the getData method of the IBusinessEntity
IGetDataResponse Interface for the response of the getData method of the IBusinessEntiy
IGetDataTableRequest Contains table specific request arguments of the IGetDataRequest interface, part of the request object send to the getData method of the IBusinessEntity
IGetResultCountResponse Interface for the response of the getResultCount method of the IBusinessEntiy
INamedQuery Interface for parameters describing named queries
INamedQueryParameter Interface for parameter values of the INamedQuery interface
IQueryDefinition Interface that describes an abstract query definition
IQueryEntry Common Interface for query predicates and query groups
IQueryGroup Interface for a group of Query Entries or Query Groups (nested)
IQueryPredicate Interface describing a query predicate
IQuerySortEntry Describes a query sort entry
IUpdatableBusinessEntity CCSBE 1.0 Interface for Business Entities with support to update data
IUpdateDataRequest Interface for the parameter object to the updateData method of the IBusinessEntity interface

JoinEnum Enum for values of the Join property of the IQueryEntry interface
QueryOperatorEnum Enum for values of the Operator property of the IQueryPredicate interface
SortOrderEnum Enum for values of the Join property of the IQueryEntry interface

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