Namespace: Consultingwerk.Windows.Util.Forms
IErrorMessageFormButtonProvider Copy to Clipboard
Parent classes:
Inherits: Progress.Lang.Object
Implemented by: Consultingwerk.Windows.Util.Forms.ErrorMessageFormButtonProvider, Consultingwerk.Windows.Util.Forms.SampleErrorMessageFormButtonProvider

Purpose:Interface for services that can provide custom Buttons
for the ErrorMessageForm
Syntax:Allows adding buttons to report errors etc.
Author(s):Mike Fechner / Consultingwerk Ltd.
Created:Fri Jan 10 14:27:31 CET 2014
Notes:The ErrorMessageForm assigns Location and Anchor. All other
properties are to be assigned by the service implementation
Purpose: Returns the List of Buttons to be added to the dialog
Notes: Buttons should have a meaningful name
The AccessibleDescription propety of the Button Controls will be used
to set a Tooltip in the ErrorMessageForms UltraTooltipManager

Top Method Summary
Options Name Purpose
+ System.Collections.Generic.List <System.Windows.Forms.Button> GetButtonsForError (Error) Returns the List of Buttons to be added to the dialog
+ LOGICAL HandleButtonClick (Button, Error) Handles the click event of a custom button

Method Detail

PUBLIC System.Collections.Generic.List <System.Windows.Forms.Button> GetButtonsForError (Error)

Purpose: Returns the List of Buttons to be added to the dialog
Notes: Buttons should have a meaningful name
The AccessibleDescription propety of the Button Controls will be used
to set a Tooltip in the ErrorMessageForms UltraTooltipManager

poError Progress.Lang.Error
The error that is currently being processed
Returns System.Collections.Generic.List <System.Windows.Forms.Button>
The List the System.Windows.Forms.Button objects to be added to the ErrorMessageForm

PUBLIC LOGICAL HandleButtonClick (Button, Error)

Purpose: Handles the click event of a custom button

poButton System.Windows.Forms.Button
The reference to the Button that was clicked
poError Progress.Lang.Error
The reference to the error that is currently shown
Logical value indicating if the Error Message Form should be closed (True = Close)

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