Namespace: Consultingwerk.WindowIntegrationKit
ITabFolderCustomizer Copy to Clipboard
Parent classes:
Inherits: Progress.Lang.Object
Implemented by: Consultingwerk.WindowIntegrationKit.SampleTabFolderCustomizer

Author(s):Mike Fechner / Consultingwerk Ltd.
Created:Fri Jan 20 13:00:45 CET 2012
Purpose: Callback method into Service classes, allows the customization of
UltraTabs for the EmbeddedWindowTabFolderForm (or similar
IEmbeddedWindowForm implementations)
Notes: Allows customization of UltraTab properties like the appearance

Top Method Summary
Options Name Purpose
+ AssignTabProperties (handle, IEmbeddedWindowForm, integer, character, UltraTabControl, UltraTab) Callback method into Service classes, allows the customization of UltraTabs for the EmbeddedWindowTabFolderForm (or similar IEmbeddedWindowForm implementations)

Method Detail

PUBLIC AssignTabProperties (handle, IEmbeddedWindowForm, integer, character, UltraTabControl, UltraTab)

Purpose: Callback method into Service classes, allows the customization of
UltraTabs for the EmbeddedWindowTabFolderForm (or similar
IEmbeddedWindowForm implementations)
Notes: Allows customization of UltraTab properties like the appearance

phProcedure HANDLE
The procedure handle that contains the Tab folder
poForm Consultingwerk.WindowIntegrationKit.Forms.IEmbeddedWindowForm
The IEmbeddedWindowForm instance containing the Tab Control
piPageNumber INTEGER
The current tab page number
The current tab page label
poTabControl Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTabControl.UltraTabControl
The reference to the UltraTabControl
poTab Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTabControl.UltraTab
The generated UltrTab object (tab page)

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