Parentpacke: Consultingwerk.Util

AmbiguousFieldNameException Exception thrown by DatabaseHelper:UnabbreviatedFieldName when an invalid field name has been passed
AmbiguousTableNameException Exception thrown by DatabaseHelper:UnabbreviatedTableName when an invalid table name has been passed
CreateDatabaseAliasException Exception raised for errors when creating a database alias
DatabaseConnectException Exception raised for errors when connecting to a database
DomainValidationException Exception thrown by NetworkHelper:VerifyMXRecord when the Domain lookup did not return a valid MX
InvalidBindingSourceColumnException Exception raised by the BindingSourceHelper:BindingBufferFieldName method
InvalidEntryInClassPathException Exception raised for an invalid entry in the .classpath file
InvalidFieldNameException Exception thrown by DatabaseHelper:UnabbreviatedFieldName when an invalid field name has been passed
InvalidTableNameException Exception thrown by DatabaseHelper:UnabbreviatedTableName when an invalid table name has been passed
MissingIndexFieldValueException Exception thrown by BufferHelper:UniqueFindPredicateWithValueBuffer when neither the Value Buffer of the MissingValues dictionary provides the value for a required unique index field
NoFieldMappingForRowidFunctionException Exception thrown by methods that rely on field mapping for the ROWID function in the DATA-SOURCE-COMPLETE-MAP
QueryValidationException Exception raised by the QueryHelper:ValidateQuery method
RcodeNotTypeException Exception thrown by ClassHelper:FileNameToClass when an rcode file is not a class (IS=CLASS=FALSE)
SystemTypeNotMappableToAblTypeException Exception thrown by DataTypeHelper:ToABLDataType (System.Type) when the System.Type does not match an ABL primitive type
UniqueIndexRequiredException Exception thrown by methods that rely on buffers with unique indexes
UnsupportedFileExtensionException Exception thrown by FileHelper:MimeTypeForFileExtension when no mime type is known for a given extension
UnsupportedMimeTypeException Exception thrown by FileHelper:FileExtensionForMimeType when no mime type is known for a given extension

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