Parentpacke: Consultingwerk.Studio


IBlock Represents a Block
IBlockNode Represents a BlockNode
IBufferScope Represents a Buffer Scope
ICall Represents a Call to some 4GL procedure. The target procedure is identified by the external and internal procedure names.
IField Represents a Field
IFieldBuffer Represents a Field Buffer
IFieldContainer Frame and Browse widgets are FieldContainers. This class provides the services for looking up fields/variables in a Frame or Browse.
IFrame Represents a Frame
INode Represents a JPNode
IParameter Represents a Parameter of a Call
IParseUnit Represents a ParseUnit
IProgramRootNode Reference to the Node representing a compile unit
IProparseApi Interface for Proparse API implementations
IProparseDirectiveNode Represents a ProparseDirectiveNode
IProparseNodeAction Interface for classes processing INode's
IRecordNameNode Represents a RecordNameNode
IRunHandle A HANDLE Variable that has been set by running a Procedure persistently
ISymbol Base class for any type of symbol which needs to be kept track of when parsing a 4gl compile unit's AST
ISymbolScope Represents a Symbol Scope
ITable Represents a Table
ITableBuffer Represents a Table Buffer
IVariable A Symbol defined with DEFINE VARIABLE or any of the other various syntaxes which implicitly define a variable
IWidget Represents a Widget

NodesSet Set of Nodes (e.g. Child Nodes), supporting enumeration from give given node's firstChild through the nextSiblings
NodesSetEnumerator Enumerator of Nodes (e.g. Child Nodes), supporting enumeration from give given node's firstChild through the nextSiblings
ProparseNodeWalker Recursively processes child nodes of the given node

NodeSubTypesEnum Enum of proparse node subtypes
NodeTypesEnum Enum of proparse node types

©2006-2023 Consultingwerk Ltd.       27.02.2025 06:17:04