Parentpacke: Consultingwerk.Studio.ProparseApi.Implementation


ProparseWebBlock Represents a Block
ProparseWebBlockNode Represents a BlockNode
ProparseWebBufferScope Represents a Buffer Scope
ProparseWebCall Represents a Call to some 4GL procedure. The target procedure is identified by the external and internal procedure names.
ProparseWebField Represents a Field
ProparseWebFieldBuffer Represents a Field Buffer
ProparseWebFieldContainer Frame and Browse widgets are FieldContainers. This class provides the services for looking up fields/variables in a Frame or Browse.
ProparseWebFieldRefNode Represents a FiledRefNode
ProparseWebFrame Represents a Frame
ProparseWebNode Represents a JPNode
ProparseWebObject Common base class for objects created from JSON files
ProparseWebParameter Represents a Parameter of a Call
ProparseWebParseUnit Represents a ParseUnit
ProparseWebProgramRootNode Reference to the Node representing a compile unit
ProparseWebProparseDirectiveNode Represents a ProparseDirectiveNode
ProparseWebRecordNameNode Represents a RecordNameNode
ProparseWebRunHandle A HANDLE Variable that has been set by running a Procedure persistently
ProparseWebSession Represents an HTTP-Session
ProparseWebSymbol Base class for any type of symbol which needs to be kept track of when parsing a 4gl compile unit's AST
ProparseWebSymbolScope Represents a Symbol Scope
ProparseWebTable Represents a Table
ProparseWebTableBuffer Represents a Table Buffer
ProparseWebValueBuilder Returns an Object with matching implementation for a provided Json-object
ProparseWebVariable A Symbol defined with DEFINE VARIABLE or any of the other various syntaxes which implicitly define a variable

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