Namespace: Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Repository.Class
IRepositoryCacheTableFactory Copy to Clipboard
Parent classes:
Inherits: Progress.Lang.Object
Implemented by: Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Repository.Class.RepositoryCacheTableFactory

Purpose:Interface for services that generate the repository cache
Author(s):Mike Fechner / Consultingwerk Ltd.
Created:Fri Mar 25 22:32:41 CET 2016
Notes:Only returns attributes with the AppliesAtRuntime flag
set to true
Purpose: Returns a dataset handle that contains the cache temp-tables for the
given object types
Notes: The caller is responsible for deleting the returned Dataset

Top Method Summary
Options Name Purpose
+ HANDLE GetRepositoryCacheTables (GetAttributesForEnum, CharacterList) Returns a dataset handle that contains the cache temp-tables for the given object types
+ GetRepositoryCacheTables (GetAttributesForEnum, CharacterList, handle) Returns a dataset handle that contains the cache temp-tables for the given object types

Method Detail

PUBLIC HANDLE GetRepositoryCacheTables (GetAttributesForEnum, CharacterList)

Purpose: Returns a dataset handle that contains the cache temp-tables for the
given object types
Notes: The caller is responsible for deleting the returned Dataset

poAttributesFrom Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Repository.Class.GetAttributesForEnum
The GetAttributesForEnum indicating if attributes should be added for runtime or design
poParameter Consultingwerk.Framework.Collections.CharacterList
The CharacterList with the names or guids of the object types for this call
Returns HANDLE
The dataset handle that contains the cache temp-tables for the given object types

PUBLIC GetRepositoryCacheTables (GetAttributesForEnum, CharacterList, handle)

Purpose: Returns a dataset handle that contains the cache temp-tables for the
given object types
Notes: The caller is responsible for deleting the returned Dataset

poAttributesFrom Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Repository.Class.GetAttributesForEnum
The GetAttributesForEnum indicating if attributes should be added for runtime or design
poParameter Consultingwerk.Framework.Collections.CharacterList
The CharacterList with the names or guids of the object types for this call
phDataset HANDLE
The dataset handle to add the cache temp-tables for the given object types to

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