Namespace: Consultingwerk.OERA.JsdoGenericService
ICatalogCacheService Copy to Clipboard
Parent classes:
Inherits: Progress.Lang.Object
Implemented by: Consultingwerk.OERA.JsdoGenericService.CatalogCacheService

Purpose:Interface for services providing cache for Business Entity
and Business Task Catalog's
Author(s):Mike Fechner / Consultingwerk Ltd.
Created:Fri Jan 13 01:00:07 CET 2017
Notes:This is an optional service. When loaded, the CatalogWebHandler
will query the cache first for a Catalog JSON object
The "JsonCatalogCacheMaxAge" setting in the .restapplicationsetting
configuration file controls the maximum age of the cache
in seconds
Purpose: Returns the Cached Catalog Data
Notes: Returns ? when no cached catalog is present

Top Method Summary
Options Name Purpose
+ Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonObject GetCachedCatalog (character, character) Returns the Cached Catalog Data
+ StoreCatalogInCache (character, character, JsonObject) Stores the catalog data in the cache

Method Detail

PUBLIC Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonObject GetCachedCatalog (character, character)

Purpose: Returns the Cached Catalog Data
Notes: Returns ? when no cached catalog is present

pcBusinessServiceName CHARACTER
The name of the cached business service
pcParameters CHARACTER
Additional parameters for the Catalog (e.g. count=invoke)
Returns Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonObject
The JsonObject with the cached catalog data

PUBLIC StoreCatalogInCache (character, character, JsonObject)

Purpose: Stores the catalog data in the cache

pcBusinessServiceName CHARACTER
The name of the cached business service
pcParameters CHARACTER
Additional parameters for the Catalog (e.g. count=invoke)
poJsonObject Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonObject
The JsonObject with the cached catalog data

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