Classes | ||
BusinessServiceAlreadyRegistered | Exception thrown when the Business Service is already registered |
BusinessServiceAlreadyRunning | Exception thrown when the Business Service is already registered |
BusinessServiceNotRunning | Exception thrown when the Business Service is not running |
CannotRemoveTableFromStaticContextDatasetException | Exception thrown when trying to remove a temp-table from a static Context Dataset |
CannotSaveChangesWithoutTrackingChangesException | |
CatalogException | |
DatasetBufferFillFailedException | Error raised by the DataAccess class when the Dataset FILL() method returned FALSE and the ThrowErrorsOnFillFailed property is set to TRUE |
DatasetFillFailedException | Error raised by the DataAccess class when the Dataset FILL() method returned FALSE and the ThrowErrorsOnFillFailed property is set to TRUE |
DatasetModelException | Exception thrown by the DatasetModel classes |
ExternalBusinessServiceNotRegistered | Exception thrown when the Business Service is already registered |
FillFailedException | Abstract base class for the DatasetFillFailedException and the DatasetBufferFillFailedException |
InconsistentServiceLifeCycleDefinitionsException | Exception thrown when the service life cycle definitions are not consistent. |
InvalidBusinessServiceTypeException | Exception raised when an invalid Business Service type name is provided to the ServiceManager |
InvalidFieldForFetchDataByKeyTableException | |
InvalidNamedQueryException | Exception thrown from business entities when an invalid named query name was passed in |
InvalidRestartRowidException | Exception thrown when the restart-rowid passed to the DataAccess:FetchData method is not valid |
InvalidTablesParameterValueException | Exception thrown by the DataAccess:FetchDataInternal method when the FetchDataRequest parameter contains an invalid table name |
InvalidVariableNameInQueryString | |
InvokeBusinessEntityException | Exception thrown when a Business Task cannot be loaded |
InvokeBusinessTaskException | Exception thrown when a Business Task cannot be loaded |
NamedQueryParameterMissingException | Exception thrown from business entities when parameters to a named query are missing |
NoSerializableTypeException | Exception thrown when an unserializable object was passed to the Service Interface |
NotFoundException | Exception thrown by the DataAccess:FindRecord methods |
QueryOffEndException | Exception thrown when attempting to navigate a query further than it's end |
QueryStringForKeyValueTableException | Exception thrown by the DataAccess:FetchDataByKeyTable method |
RecordNotAvailableException | Exception thrown by the SmartTableInfoProvider:FindRecordByKeyValues method |
RecursiveDataRelationNotSupportedWithQueryException | |
RestMethodMethodNotFoundInClassException | |
RetrieveDataAsyncException | |
RowidKeysNotMappedException | |
RowModifiedException | |
ServiceInterfaceException | Exception thrown by the Service Interface in case a Business Entity or Business Task cannot be started |
SourceBufferNotFoundException | |
StaticQueryNotSupportedException | |
StaticQueryRecordAmbiguousRecordFoundException | |
StaticQueryRecordNotFoundException | |
TableModelBatchingNotSupportedException | Exception thrown by the DatasetModelPerformer when calling into the PerformNextBatchRequest while batching is not expected |
UnableToDetermineQueryStyleException | |
UnableToLaunchBusinessServiceException | Exception thrown when the Service Manager is unable to launch a Business Entity or Business Task |
UnableToUseDedicatedBusinessEntityWithoutServiceInterface | Exception thrown by the worker methods of the DatasetModel Performer class when trying to use a dedicated Business Entity (on the backend) from the frontend |
UnsupportedActionTypeException | |