Parentpacke: Consultingwerk.OERA

The Consultingwerk.OERA.Ccs package contains supporting types for the CCS-BE01 implementation. For more details on the CCS Specs, visit CCS on Github.

GetDataRequest Inteface for the request object passed to the getData method of the IBusinessEntity (CCS-BE01)
GetDataResponse Interface for the response of the getData method of the IBusinessEntiy (CCS-BE01)
GetDataTableRequest Contains table specific request arguments of the IGetDataRequest interface, part of the request object send to the getData method of the IBusinessEntity (CCS-BE01)
GetDataTableResponse Contains table specific response of the IGetDataResponse interface, part of the response object received by the getData method of the IBusinessEntity (CCS-BE01)
GetResultCountResponse Interface for the response of the getResultCount method of the IBusinessEntiy (CCS-BE01)
GetTableResultCountResponse Contains table specific response of the IGetResultCountResponse interface, part of the response object received by the getResultCount method of the IBusinessEntity (CCS-BE01)
ListQueryEntry Generic List of IQueryEntry instances
NamedQuery Interface for parameters describing named queries (CCS-BE01)
NamedQueryParameter Interface for parameter values of the INamedQuery interface (CCS-BE01)
QueryBuilder Converts a list of query entries into a query string
QueryDefinition Describes an abstract query definition (CCS-BE01)
QueryEntry Sample Query Entry implementation (CCS-BE01)
QueryGroup Sample Query Group implementation (CCS-BE01)
QueryPredicate Sample query predicate implementation (CCS-BE01)
RequestConverter Converts CCSBE IGetDataRequest instances into Consultingwerk.OERA.FetchDataRequest instances
ResponseConverter Converts Consultingwerk.OERA.FetchDataRequest instances into CCSBE IGetDataResponse instances

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