Namespace: Consultingwerk
ISocketReadHandler Copy to Clipboard
Parent classes:
Inherits: Progress.Lang.Object
Implemented by: Consultingwerk.HttpClient

Purpose: Data is available on a socket or the remote end of a connection has
closed its socket; applies only to socket objects.
Notes: Invoked from the Socket READ-RESPONSE-PROCEDURE
The AVM invokes this procedure whenever it detects that data is
available on the socket or that the remote end of the socket has
closed its end of the socket. In this procedure, the SELF handle
identifies the affected socket object.

Top Method Summary
Options Name Purpose
+ ReadResponseHandler () Data is available on a socket or the remote end of a connection has closed its socket; applies only to socket objects.

Method Detail

PUBLIC ReadResponseHandler ()

Purpose: Data is available on a socket or the remote end of a connection has
closed its socket; applies only to socket objects.
Notes: Invoked from the Socket READ-RESPONSE-PROCEDURE
The AVM invokes this procedure whenever it detects that data is
available on the socket or that the remote end of the socket has
closed its end of the socket. In this procedure, the SELF handle
identifies the affected socket object.

©2006-2025 Consultingwerk Ltd.       20.01.2025 18:15:00