Namespace: Consultingwerk
ISaxReader Copy to Clipboard
Parent classes:
Inherits: Progress.Lang.Object
Implemented by: Consultingwerk.Studio.AssemblyParser.AssemblyParser, Consultingwerk.Studio.ClassDocumentation.ClassDocumentationParser, Consultingwerk.Studio.OpenEdgeDocs.OpenEdgeDocParser, Consultingwerk.Studio.OpenEdgeDocs.ParseIndexXmlForAttributes, Consultingwerk.Studio.ReleaseNotes.ReleaseNotesParser, Consultingwerk.Util.Support.DotPropathParser, Consultingwerk.Util.Support.ResxFileParser

Purpose:Allows SAX reader handling from OOABL classes
Author(s):Mike Fechner / Consultingwerk Ltd.
Created:Mon Sep 10 18:46:17 CEST 2012
Notes:This interface enforces only the basic handling methods.
For the remaining SAX-READER handlers, a ISaxReaderExt
Interface should be created (using Interface inheritance,
OpenEdge 11.0 +).
Purpose: Invoked when the XML parser detects character data.
Notes: The parser calls this method to report each chunk of character data.
It might report contiguous character data in one chunk, or split it
into several chunks. If validation is enabled, whitespace is reported
by the IgnorableWhitespace callback

Top Method Summary
Options Name Purpose
+ SaxCharacters (longchar, integer) Invoked when the XML parser detects character data.
+ SaxEndElement (character, character, character) Invoked when the XML parser detects the end of an XML document.
+ SaxStartElement (character, character, character, handle) Invoked when the XML parser detects the beginning of an element.

Method Detail

PUBLIC SaxCharacters (longchar, integer)

Purpose: Invoked when the XML parser detects character data.
Notes: The parser calls this method to report each chunk of character data.
It might report contiguous character data in one chunk, or split it
into several chunks. If validation is enabled, whitespace is reported
by the IgnorableWhitespace callback

plcCharData LONGCHAR
A LONGCHAR that contains a chunk of character data.
piNumChars INTEGER
The number of characters contained in the MEMPTR.

PUBLIC SaxEndElement (character, character, character)

Purpose: Invoked when the XML parser detects the end of an XML document.

A character string indicating the namespace URI of the element. If namespace processing is not enabled or the element is not part of a namespace, the string is of length zero.
A character string indicating the non-prefixed element name. If namespace processing is not enabled, the string is of length zero.
A character string indicating the actual name of the element in the XML source. If the name has a prefix, qName includes it, whether or not namespace processing is enabled.

PUBLIC SaxStartElement (character, character, character, handle)

Purpose: Invoked when the XML parser detects the beginning of an element.

A character string indicating the namespace URI of the element. If namespace processing is not enabled or the element is not part of a namespace, the string is of length zero.
A character string indicating the non-prefixed element name. If namespace processing is not enabled, the string is of length zero.
A character string indicating the actual name of the element in the XML source. If the name has a prefix, qName includes it, whether or not namespace processing is enabled.
phAttributes HANDLE
A handle to a SAX-attributes object, which provides access to all attributes specified for the element. If the element has no attributes, attributes is still a valid handle, and the NUM-ITEMS attribute is zero.

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