Parentpacke: Consultingwerk.Framework

The Consultingwerk.Framework.TypeDescriptor package provides the ability to describe properties of an ABL class. One purpose of describing properties is to allow dynamic property sheet like UI generation based on the properties of an ABL type. That way the property descriptor of a parameter class might be used to provide an UI to edit the object properties by a user.

The description of the classes properties goes beyond the Reflection features that are announced for OpenEdge 11.6. See SCL-785 and SCL-786 for details.

See for details on the annotation based type descriptor.

IClassAnnotationProvider Describes method required to return the ClassAnnotations
IHasTypeDescriptor Interface for classes that provide a type descriptor
IPropertyDescriptor Interface for the descriptor of a single object property
ITypeDescriptor Interface for Type Descriptor of an ABL class

ClassAnnotationContainer Holder class for the annotations of a class
ClassAnnotationProvider Provides Annotation information for ABL classes at runtime
ListIPropertyDescriptor Generic List of IPropertyDescriptor instances
ListSerializableAnnotation Generic list of SerializableAnnotation instances
ListSerializableClassMemberAnnotation Generic list of SerializableClassMemberAnnotation instances
SerializableAnnotation Provides Serializable Annotation information
TypeDescriptor Provides additional information about an ABL class

EditorTypeEnum Enumeration of Editor types

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