Namespace: Consultingwerk.Framework
IRelationServiceQueryCustomizer Copy to Clipboard
Parent classes:
Inherits: Progress.Lang.Object

Purpose:Interface for classes supporting the customization
of the query strings used by the IRelationService
Author(s):Mike Fechner / Consultingwerk Ltd.
Created:Wed Feb 26 21:09:36 CET 2020
Purpose: Callback method to support customization of the child query string
Notes: Used by the OnParentDelete.... methods

Top Method Summary
Options Name Purpose
+ CHARACTER CustomizeChildQuery (character, handle, handle, ISmartRelationTableModel) Callback method to support customization of the child query string
+ CHARACTER CustomizeParentQuery (character, handle, handle, ISmartRelationTableModel) Callback method to support customization of the parent query string

Method Detail

PUBLIC CHARACTER CustomizeChildQuery (character, handle, handle, ISmartRelationTableModel)

Purpose: Callback method to support customization of the child query string
Notes: Used by the OnParentDelete.... methods

pcQueryString CHARACTER
The default query string
phParentBuffer HANDLE
The handle of the database buffer with the parent record
phChildBuffer HANDLE
The handle of the CHild buffer which will be used in the returned query
poRelation Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.ISmartRelationTableModel
The value object or buffer model describing the relation record
The customized query string

PUBLIC CHARACTER CustomizeParentQuery (character, handle, handle, ISmartRelationTableModel)

Purpose: Callback method to support customization of the parent query string
Notes: Used by the OnChildUpdateRestrict method

pcQueryString CHARACTER
The default query string
phChildBuffer HANDLE
The handle of the database buffer with the child record
phParentBuffer HANDLE
The handle of the database buffer for the parent record, this buffer will be navigated by the returned query
poRelation Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.ISmartRelationTableModel
The value object or buffer model describing the relation record
The customized query string

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