Namespace: Consultingwerk.Framework
IMessagePublisher Copy to Clipboard
Parent classes:
Inherits: Progress.Lang.Object
Implemented by: Consultingwerk.Framework.MessagePublisher

Purpose:Service interface for classes that provide the message
publishing functionality
Author(s):Mike Fechner / Consultingwerk Ltd.
Created:Thu Dec 04 17:45:22 CET 2014
Purpose: Publishes a Message to all subscriber that are subscribed to messages
of that type
Notes: Subscription is for the actual message type and child classes

Top Method Summary
Options Name Purpose
+ Publish (Object) Publishes a Message to all subscriber that are subscribed to messages of that type
+ Subscribe (IMessageSubscriber, Class) Subscribes an Message handler call back to the given Message type
+ Unsubscribe (IMessageSubscriber, Class) Unsubscribes an Message handler call back to the given Message type

Method Detail

PUBLIC Publish (Object)

Purpose: Publishes a Message to all subscriber that are subscribed to messages
of that type
Notes: Subscription is for the actual message type and child classes

poMessage Progress.Lang.Object
The Message to publish

PUBLIC Subscribe (IMessageSubscriber, Class)

Purpose: Subscribes an Message handler call back to the given Message type
Notes: Subscription is for the actual message type and child classes

poCallback Consultingwerk.Framework.IMessageSubscriber
The reference to the callback instance
poType Progress.Lang.Class
The Message type to subscribe to

PUBLIC Unsubscribe (IMessageSubscriber, Class)

Purpose: Unsubscribes an Message handler call back to the given Message type

poCallback Consultingwerk.Framework.IMessageSubscriber
The reference to the callback instance
poType Progress.Lang.Class
The Message type to unsubscribe from

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