Parentpacke: Consultingwerk.Framework

Http400Exception Exception class for errors that are type http400 (bad request)
Http401Exception Exception class for errors that are type http401 (Unauthorized)
Http402Exception Exception class for errors that are type http402 (Payment Required)
Http403Exception Exception class for errors that are type http403 (Forbidden)
Http404Exception Exception class for errors that are type http404 (Not Found)
Http405Exception Exception class for errors that are type http405 (Method Not Allowed)
Http406Exception Exception class for errors that are type http406 (Not Acceptable)
Http407Exception Exception class for errors that are type http407 (Proxy Authentication Required)
Http408Exception Exception class for errors that are type http408 (Request Timeout)
Http409Exception Exception class for errors that are type http409 (Conflict)
Http410Exception Exception class for errors that are type http410 (Gone)
Http411Exception Exception class for errors that are type http411 (Length Required)
Http412Exception Exception class for errors that are type http412 (Precondition Failed)
Http413Exception Exception class for errors that are type http413 (Payload Too Large)
Http414Exception Exception class for errors that are type http414 (URI Too Long)
Http415Exception Exception class for errors that are type http415 (Unsupported Media Type)
Http416Exception Exception class for errors that are type http416 (Range Not Satisfiable)
Http417Exception Exception class for errors that are type http417 (Expectation Failed)
Http418Exception Exception class for errors that are type http418 (I'm a teapot)
Http421Exception Exception class for errors that are type http421 (Misdirected Request)
Http422Exception Exception class for errors that are type http422 (Unprocessable Entity)
Http423Exception Exception class for errors that are type http423 (Locked)
Http424Exception Exception class for errors that are type http424 (Failed Dependency)
Http426Exception Exception class for errors that are type http426 (bad request)
Http428Exception Exception class for errors that are type http428 (Precondition Required)
Http429Exception Exception class for errors that are type http429 (Too Many Requests)
Http431Exception Exception class for errors that are type http431 (Request Header Fields Too Large )
Http451Exception Exception class for errors that are type http451 (bad request)
Http500Exception Exception class for errors that are type http500 (Internal Server Error)
Http501Exception Exception class for errors that are type http501 (Not Implemented)
Http502Exception Exception class for errors that are type http502 (Bad Gateway)
Http503Exception Exception class for errors that are type http503 (Service Unavailable)
Http504Exception Exception class for errors that are type http504 (Gateway Timeout)
Http505Exception Exception class for errors that are type http505 (HTTP Version Not Supported)
Http506Exception Exception class for errors that are type http506 (Variant Also Negotiates)
Http507Exception Exception class for errors that are type http507 (Insufficient Storage)
Http508Exception Exception class for errors that are type http508 (Loop Detected)
Http510Exception Exception class for errors that are type http510 (Not Extended)
Http511Exception Exception class for errors that are type http511 (Network Authentication Required)
HttpClientException Exception class for errors that are type http400 (bad request)
HttpServerException Exception class for errors that are type http400 (bad request)

HttpMethodEnum Enum of HTTP methods supported by OpenAPI

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