Interfaces | ||
ITranslationCallsInSourceProvider | Interface for services which can fetch the arguments to the calls to the ITranslationProvider API's from source code |
Classes | ||
AttachmentRoleSelectForm | Provides an user interface to select an attachment role |
DeletionDatasetController | |
ExportImportMetaDataForm | Utility to export and import SmartFramework metadata |
GetDatabaseNameForm | Provides an UI to select the working database |
LanguageProvider | SmartFramework dependent ILanguageProvider implementation Retrieves languages from the SmartDB and the current language from the Windows locale |
LoginCompanyProvider | SmartFramework dependent ILoginCompanyProvider implementation Retrieves login companies from the SmartDB |
MessageBusinessTask | SmartMessage Business Task |
MissingMessagesForm | Dialog that allows selecting a missing message translation |
ParseTranslationCallsNodeAction | |
SelectRelationsToImportForm | |
SmartAttachmentControl | Allows access to attachments (add, delete, open, export) based on the SmartAttachment table |
SmartAttachmentRoleForm | |
SmartAttachmentRoleViewerControl | |
SmartBusinessEntityDatasetController | |
SmartBusinessEntityForm | |
SmartBusinessEntityTableViewerControl | |
SmartBusinessEntityViewerControl | |
SmartCommentRoleForm | |
SmartCommentRoleViewerControl | |
SmartDeletionForm | |
SmartKeyFieldAssignmentTypeForm | |
SmartKeyFieldAssignmentTypeViewerControl | |
SmartLanguageMaintenanceForm | |
SmartLanguageViewer | |
SmartLoginCompanyMaintenanceForm | |
SmartLoginCompanyViewer | |
SmartMessageForm | Maintenance of SmartMessage Table |
SmartMessageViewerControl | |
SmartModifiedStateForm | |
SmartModifiedStateViewerControl | |
SmartRelationForm | Maintenance Form for the SmartRelation Table |
SmartRelationViewerControl | Maintenance Object for the SmartRelation Table |
SmartTableForm | |
SmartTableViewerControl | |
SmartTranslationForm | Maintenance Form for Translations |
SmartTranslationViewerControl | |
SmartUiTranslationForm | |
SmartUiTranslationViewerControl | |
SmartValueListForm | |
SmartValueListViewerControl | |
SwitchUserInterfaceLanguageForm | Form that allows the user to switch the user interface language |
TranslateFromSourceCodeDialog | Maintains Translations found in a file (ABL source code) |
TranslationCallsInSourceProvider | Proparse based implementation of the ITranslationCallsInSourceProvider service. Allows to fetch the arguments to the calls to the ITranslationProvider API's from source code |
ValueListProvider | Service class to provide an Infragistics ValueList by a list key |