

IDeserializationFactory Interface to allow alternative implementations of the static Consultingwerk.Serailizable:DeserializeInstance method
IDoNotIterateInDebugging Marker Interface for set classes that should not be iterated by debugging utility like the ProgressLangObjectPropertyControl
IJsonDateTypeFormatter Provides custom Json Date/DateTime/DateTime-TZ formatting for the Json object mode.
IJsonSerializable Specialization of the ISerializable Interface Describes methods required for Json Serialization The Interface is required for nesting Json Objects during the serialization (non-primitive properties)
INumberFormatter Interface for classes that support formatting numbers as human readable strings
IOutputStream Interface for classes that can handle stream output
IPrimitiveHolder Array for primitity data-type holder classes
IQueryExpressionForWalker Marker Interface for QueryExpressions that should be processed by the Callback from Consultingwerk.QueryExpression:WalkQueryExpression() method
IQueryExpressionWalker Interface for classes that provide steps (ProcessQueryExpression method) for walking query expressions
IQueryParser Describes method(s) required by classes the allow to parse an ABL Query String for a single buffer into an IQueryExpression (QueryExpression, ListQueryExpression, ...)
IQueryRowIdentifier Provides abstraction methods for query row id representation
ISaxReader Allows SAX reader handling from OOABL classes
IsClonable Interface for classes which that have implemented the Clone() method.
ISequence Interface for Sequence style classes
ISerializable Interface describing methods of Objects that can be used to Serialize and Deserialize Object to potentially carry them across an AppServer boundary or store them in a persistent storage Serialization is done to a LONGCHAR to allow various implementations
IValueObjectValidator Interface for objects that can validate the properties of a value object
IXmlElementWalkerTask Interface for tasks performance by the XmlElementWalker

BeginsMatches Handles the BEGINSMATCHES operator
BufferFieldName A structure that can hold all possible components of a buffer field reference database.table.field[index]
CancelableEventArgs Generic argument class for cancellable events
CanDoQueryExpression Query expression for CAN-DO style expressions, returning records where the value of the given field is contained in the given list using the CAN-DO operator
CharacterArrayHolder Holder class for Array. Supports manipualtion methods on the array
CharacterHolder A holder class for ABL primitive values
CharacterRange General purpose Character Range; implements IQueryExpression so that it can be referenced in InRange QueryExpression's
CharacterType Contains supporting routines for ABL CHARACTER Variables
ClassName Structure that describes parts of a class name (package and class)
ClientType An Enumeration of OpenEdge Client Types, see pseudo Widget property SESSION:CLIENT-TYPE
Codepages Code page names constants
Const Generic framework constants
DatasetBufferCallbackEnum Enum for ProDataset Buffer Callback Names
DatasetCallbackEnum Enum for ProDataset Callback Names
DataTypeEnum DATA-TYPE Constants (CHARACTER)
DateArrayHolder Holder class for Array. Supports manipualtion methods on the array
DateFormat Holder structure for SESSION date value settings
DateHolder A holder class for ABL primitive values
DateTimeArrayHolder Holder class for Array. Supports manipualtion methods on the array
DateTimeHolder A holder class for ABL primitive values
DateTimeTzArrayHolder Holder class for Array. Supports manipualtion methods on the array
DateTimeTzHolder A holder class for ABL primitive values
DateType Contains supporting routines for ABL DATE Variables
Debug Writes messages to the debug log file
DecimalArrayHolder Holder class for Array. Supports manipualtion methods on the array
DecimalHolder A holder class for ABL primitive values
DefaultOutputStream Output stream using the DEFAULT OUTPUT (stdio for batch clients) as the output destination
DeserializationFactory Default IDeserializationFactory implementation
Enum Abstract base type for Enum classes
EventArgs Generic event argument class
FrameworkVersion Returns the Framework Version (build number)
GuidType Provides helper functions for GUID types
HandleArrayHolder Holder class for Array. Supports manipualtion methods on the array
HandleHolder A holder class for ABL primitive values
HttpClient Provides HTML GET and POST functionality using Socket communication
InQueryExpression Query expression for IN style expressions, returning records where the value of the given field is contained in the given list
Int64ArrayHolder Holder class for Array. Supports manipualtion methods on the array
Int64Holder A holder class for ABL primitive values
IntegerArrayHolder Holder class for Array. Supports manipualtion methods on the array
IntegerHolder A holder class for ABL primitive values
IoModeEnum Character Constant enumeration for the iomode parameter of the Progress.Lang.ParameterList:SetParameter () method (ABL 11.6 reflection)
JsonSerializable Implements serialization functionality i.e. for parameter object to be passed around the AppServer boundary
ListMethod Generic List of Methods (OpenEdge 11.6 reflection)
ListNameValuePair List of NameValuePair implementations
ListSortField List of SortField instances
LogfileOutputStream Output Stream with the client-logfile as the output destination
LogicalArrayHolder Holder class for Array. Supports manipualtion methods on the array
LogicalHolder A holder class for ABL primitive values
LoginStateEnum Enum for the values of the Client-Principal LOGIN-STATE attribute
LongcharArrayHolder Holder class for Array. Supports manipualtion methods on the array
LongcharHolder A holder class for ABL primitive values
LongcharInputStream Input Stream Implementation over a LONGCHAR variable
LongcharOutputStream Output Stream with a LONGCHAR variables as the output destination
MemptrArrayHolder Holder class for Array. Supports manipualtion methods on the array
MemptrHolder A holder class for ABL primitive values
NameValuePair A general purpose NameValuePair
NativeJsonSerializable JSON Serializable implementation that relies on the AVM built in JSON Serialization (OpenEdge 11.6 and above)
NumberFormatterEnglish Supports formatting numbers as human readable English strings
NumberFormatterGerman Supports formatting numbersas human readable English strings
NumericFormat Holder structure for SESSION numeric value settings
ObjectArrayHolder Holder class for Array. Supports manipualtion methods on the array
OutputStream Output stream using a stream-handle as the output destination
ParameterObject Base class for parameter objects
Point Serializable holder class for a Point structure
ProcessingStatusChangedEventArgs Cancelable Event Argument to be used for status events raised by batch like tasks
ProVersionEnum An enumeration of CHARACTER Constants with valid Progress Version numbers from 10.1A on (first progress release with support for OO code)
QueryParser Allow parsing of an ABL Query String for a single buffer into an IQueryExpression (QueryExpression, ListQueryExpression, ...)
QueryRowIdentifier Provides abstraction methods for query row id representation
RecordIdentifier A structure that can holds a ROWID as well as a buffer name
ReplaceSerializableNameQueryWalker QueryExpressionWalkter implementation that replaces every field name from the serialize-name to the field name
RowidArrayHolder Holder class for Array. Supports manipualtion methods on the array
RowidHolder A holder class for ABL primitive values
Sequence Default ISequence implementation
Serializable Implements serialization functionality i.e. for parameter object to be passed around the AppServer boundary
SessionInfo Holder class for session information
SortField Describes a sort field
StatusChangedEventArgs General purpose StatusChanged event argument
Stopwatch Elternative to ETIME
StrongHandleHolder A holder class for ABL primitive values
Tokenizer A class that supportes splitting a CHARACTER string into tokens that might be quoted or not
ValueObject Base class for immutable value objects
WeekDayEnum Enumeration of WeekDays
WidgetAttributes Can verify widget attribute names
WidgetTypeEnum Widget TYPE Constants (CHARACTER)
XmlElementWalker Recursively walks XML Elements in a DOM and calls back into an IXmlElementWalkerTask instance which can perform work on the current XML Element
XmlSerializable Implements serialization functionality i.e. for parameter object to be passed around the AppServer boundary

AndOrEnum Enum for AND or OR (typically Query manipulation)
ArrayBaseEnum Enum with possible values for the base of an Array (e.g. JsonHelper:GetJsonObjectByPath())
CompareStrengthEnum Enum with possible values for the strength parameter of the ABL Compare function. Use ToString() to pass as the required character parameter
EntryTypeEnum Enum used by ProcedureHelper:HasEntry
JsonDataTypeEnum Enum variant of the Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonDataType class. The built in Progress class is just a collection of INTEGER constants, not a true Enum
MonthEnum Enumeration of the Months of a year
OperatorEnum Enumeration of Operators

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