Parentpacke: Consultingwerk.Web2

IGetImageAuthorizationProvider Interface for services providing authorization for the GetImageWebHandler

ContextPropertiesWebHandler Web Handler allows retrieval and updating of context properties
ExecuteAblWebHandler Web Handler to execute posted ABL source
FileSearchWebHandler Web Handler to perform file search
GetImageNamesHandler Pacific WebSpeed Webhandler for access to Image names from the backend
GetImageWebHandler General purpose GetImage Web Handler.
SessionContextWebHandler Web Handler that allows retrieval and update of the SessionContext
SessionInfoWebHandler Returns Session Information as a REST service
SmartAttachmentsWebHandler Web Handler that returns a list of attachments for the given record
SmartAttachmentWebHandler Retrieves an Attachment to the client
SmartEntityTableMappingHandler Web handler that provides access to Entity Table to Screen mapping
SmartFieldSecurityCheckWebHandler Web handler that provides access to field security details
SmartLanguagesWebHandler Returns SmartLanguage table to the caller
SmartMenuStructureWebHandler Pacific WebSpeed WebHandler for access to Menu Structure
SmartMenuWebHandler Pacific WebSpeed WebHandler for access to Menu Structure
SmartMessageWebHandler Pacific WebSpeed WebHandler for access to Messages
SmartRoutesWebHandler Pacific WebSpeed WebHandler for access to Angular Routes
SmartSecurityCheckWebHandler Web handler that provides access to restrictred security tokens and restricted object token
SmartTokenSecurityCheckWebHandler Web handler that provides access to restrictred security tokens and restricted object token
SmartTreeChildNodesWebHandler Pacific WebSpeed WebHandler for access to smart-tree-view nodes
SmartTreeRootNodeWebHandler Pacific WebSpeed WebHandler for access to smart-tree-view root nodes
SmartValueListWebHandler Web Handler which returns the entries of a SmartValueList

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