Parentpacke: Consultingwerk.Web.KendoUiBuilder

IViewChild Interface for children of a View

Column Represents the meta data of a Kendo UI Builder Grid Column
CustomDataGridSections Represents the meta data for view events
DataGrid Represents the meta data for the Data Grid
DataGridEvents Represents the meta data for data grid events
DataGridForm Represents the meta data for the Data Grid Form
DataGridSeparateForm Represents the meta data for the Data Grid with a Separate Form
Field Represents the meta data of a Kendo UI Builder View Field
ListColumn List of Column objects
ListField List of Field objects
ListView List of View objects
ListViewChildren List of View Children
Module Represents the meta data of a Kendo UI Builder Module
View Represents the meta data of a Kendo UI Builder View
ViewEvents Represents the meta data for view events

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