Namespace: Consultingwerk.Studio.LegacyGuiMigration.Frame
IAblFrameMigrationFormCustomizer Copy to Clipboard
Parent classes:
Inherits: Progress.Lang.Object

Purpose:Interface for service that allow customization of the
Author(s):Mike Fechner / Consultingwerk Ltd.
Created:Mon Aug 24 20:48:32 CEST 2015

Top Method Summary
Options Name Purpose
+ Startup (table, dataset, AblFrameMigrationForm, SmartToolbarController) Method called when the AblFrameMigrationForm has started and initializes the customization service

Method Detail

PUBLIC Startup (table, dataset, AblFrameMigrationForm, SmartToolbarController)

Purpose: Method called when the AblFrameMigrationForm has started and initializes
the customization service
Notes: Passes references to some key components of the tool to
the plugin, use this to initialize the plugin, subscribe to events

ttSelectedFrameWidget TEMP-TABLE ttSelectedFrameWidget
Temp-Table with the list of widgets BIND
dsTrigger DATASET dsTrigger
The dataset with the trigger information BIND
poForm Consultingwerk.Studio.LegacyGuiMigration.Frame.AblFrameMigrationForm
The main Form of the BusinessEntityDesigner
poToolbar Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Implementation.SmartToolbarController
The reference to the SmartToolbarController used by the BusinessEntityDesigner

ProDataset Detail

ProDataset dsTrigger

Member tables: ttTriggerEvent, ttTriggerCode

Temp-Table Detail

Temp-Table ttSelectedFrameWidget

Defined in:

Temp-Table ttTriggerCode

Defined in:

Temp-Table ttTriggerEvent

Defined in:

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