Parentpacke: Consultingwerk.SmartComponents

ControlEnabledEnum Defines states under which controls in a SmartViewerControl are Enabled
DataSourceStateEnum Enumeration for possible record position values
EnableFieldsEnum Enumeration for possible EnableFields values
RecordPositionEnum Enumeration for possible record position values
TableIOStateEnum Enumeration for possible TableIOState values

AdapterOriginEnum Enum with possible values for the origin of the SmartBusinessEntityAdapter used by the SmartBusinessEntityLookup (used in the AfterInitializeBusinessEntityAdapter event)
FindRowWhereModeEnum Enumeration Describing the Modes of the FindRowWhere Method in SmartBusinessEntityAdapter
TableIOActionEnum Enumeration describing the Tools of a TableIO Panel/Toolbar
TransactionStateEnum Enum with possible values for the SmartTransactionState property of the ISmartCommitTarget interface
UpdateStateEnum Enumeration for the UpdateState property of the SmartViewerControl and SmartUpdatableBrowser class

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