Parentpacke: Consultingwerk.SmartComponents


AssignKeyFieldErrorEventArgs Event argument for the AssignKeyFieldError event of the SmartDatasetAdapter
AssignKeyFieldsEventArgs Event Argument class for the AssignKeyFields event of the SmartDatasetAdapter class
BindingSourceChangedEventArgs Event Argument class for the BindingSourceChanged event of the SmartDataAdapter class
BufferHandleEventArgs General purpose event argument that passes a buffer handle
Const SmartComponent Library framework constants
DictionaryISmartDataSource Dictionary of ISmartDataSource instances
EvaluateParentQueryException Exception thrown from the EvaluateParentQuery method of the SmartDatasetAdapter class
InitializeFormLogicObjectException Exception thrown when there was an error initializing a SmartWindowForm Logic Object
InitializeLookupBrowserLayoutEventArgs Event argument class for the InitializeLookupBrowserLayout event of the SmartLookup
InitializeViewerLogicObjectException Exception thrown when there was an error initializing a SmartViewerControls Logic Object
ListSmartViewerControl Generic list for SmartViewerControl instances
NoParentRecordAvailableException Exception thrown from the EvaluateParentQuery method of the SmartDatasetAdapter class
RepositionAfterUpdateRowEventArgs Argument for the RepositionAfterUpdateRow event of the SmartDatasetAdapter and SmartBusinessEntityAdapter. Allows customized handling of repositioning to the updated row (e.g. open the query with different arguments), allows to prevent the error on repositioning when e.g. the query needs to be opened with a different query string to match the new row
SmartBrowserControl Base class for the Browsers/Grids in the SmartComponent Library framework
SmartComponent Base class for custom Component's in the SmartComponent Library Framework.
SmartDataAdapter Abstract base class for all Data Adapter implementations in the SmartComponente Library
SmartDatasetAdapter Shared base class of the SmartBusinessEntityAdapter and the SmartDatasetChildAdapter
SmartFilterControl (Abstract) base class for Filter Controls
SmartFormLogic Base class for classes that provide client side logic for SmartViewerControl instances
SmartLookup Abstract base class for Lookup Controls
SmartLookupDialogForm Foundation for GUI for .NET Forms that can be used as a ISmartBusinessEntityLookupDialog Form
SmartLookupSettings Default Settings for the SmartLookupSettings class
SmartMDIContainer Base class for MdiContainer inheriting from the SmartWindowForm class
SmartNavigationTargetPositionChangedEventArgs Event argument for the SmartNavigationTargetPositionChanged event
SmartNavigationTargetStateChangedEventArgs Event Argument for the UpdateSmartNavigationTargetState event method of the ISmartNavigationSource classes
SmartRadRibbonWindowForm Base class for SmartComponent Library Forms based on Telerik RadForm
SmartRadWindowForm Base class for SmartComponent Library Forms based on Telerik RadForm
SmartTableIOStateChangedEventArgs Event Argument for the SmartTableIOStateChanged event of the ISmartTableIOTarget classes
SmartUserControl Base class for SmartComponent Library user Controls
SmartViewerControl Base class for SmartComponent Library Viewer Controls
SmartViewerLogic Base class for classes that provide client side logic for SmartViewerControl instances
SmartViewerOptionalFeatures Contains toggles that allow to turn on or off optional hooks in the SmartViewerControl code base
SmartWindowForm Base class for SmartComponent Library Forms
SmartWindowFormController Delegate for shared functionality between SmartWindowsForm and SmartRadWindowForm and SmartRadRibbonWindowForm
UnableToCommitTransactionException Exception thrown when the SmartBusinessEntityAdapter cannot commit the transaction because one TableIOTarget remained in update mode after calling SaveChanges
UnableToRejectTransactionException Exception thrown when the SmartBusinessEntityAdapter cannot reject the transaction because one TableIOTarget remained in update mode after calling SaveChanges
UnableToRepositionAfterUpdateRowEventArgs Argument for the UnableToRepositionAfterUpdateRow event of the SmartDatasetAdapter. Allows customized handling of errors when the updated row cannot be repositioned to after update (e.g. open the query with different arguments)

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