Consultingwerk.Framework.MessageInteraction.MessageReplyEnum AskQuestion (character, character, character, character, character, MessageButtons, MessageReplyEnum)
Adds a question to be answered to the list of questions or returns
an already given reply
Deserialize (longchar)
Initializes the object instance based on the passed in LONGCHAR
(potentially XML) representation of the object instance Inherited from Consultingwerk.ISerializable
DeserializeFromJsonObject (JsonObject)
Initializes the object instance based on the passed in JsonObject
representation of the object instance Inherited from Consultingwerk.IJsonSerializable
FinalizeBuffer ()
Finalizes the temp-table buffer from the ISmartUiAction instance
Consultingwerk.Framework.MessageInteraction.MessageReplyEnum GetReply (character, character)
Sets the answer for an existing question
CHARACTER GetSerializableProperties ()
Returns the meta data of the serializable properties Inherited from Consultingwerk.IJsonSerializable
LOGICAL HasUnansweredQuestion ()
Checks if the List of Questions contains an unanswered question
InitializeFromBuffer (handle)
Initializes the ISmartUiAction instance from a
temp-table buffer
LONGCHAR Serialize ()
Returns an LONGCHAR (potentially XML) representation of the
object instance Inherited from Consultingwerk.ISerializable
LOGICAL SetReply (character, character, MessageReplyEnum)
Sets the answer for an existing question
Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonObject ToJsonObject ()
Returns a JsonObject representation of the state of the class instance Inherited from Consultingwerk.IJsonSerializable