Namespace: Consultingwerk.Framework.Server
IActionalInstrumentationService Copy to Clipboard
Parent classes:
Inherits: Progress.Lang.Object
Implemented by: Consultingwerk.Framework.Server.ActionalInteractionService

Purpose:Interface describing the methods required for Actional
Instrumentation Services
Author(s):Mike Fechner / Consultingwerk Ltd.
Created:Thu Jan 26 23:59:39 CET 2012
Notes:Actual Instrumentation is no longer supported. See SCL-868
Progress removed the code in OpenEdge 11.0 and we do no
longer support OpenEdge 11.0 - but we leave this interface
here in case customers are using it anyway

Top Method Summary
Options Name Purpose
+ CreateInteraction (character, ListNameValuePair) Creates an Actional Interaction
+ CreateInteraction (character, ListNameValuePair, handle) Creates an Actional Interaction. also logging the field values for a given buffer handle

Method Detail

PUBLIC CreateInteraction (character, ListNameValuePair)

Purpose: Creates an Actional Interaction

pcProcedureName CHARACTER
The name of the procedure or class that creates the Interaction - usually from PROGRAM-NAME(1)
poFields Consultingwerk.ListNameValuePair
A ListNameValuePair of fields to send with the interaction

PUBLIC CreateInteraction (character, ListNameValuePair, handle)

Purpose: Creates an Actional Interaction. also logging the field values for
a given buffer handle

pcProcedureName CHARACTER
The name of the procedure or class that creates the Interaction - usually from PROGRAM-NAME(1)
poFields Consultingwerk.ListNameValuePair
A ListNameValuePair of fields to send with the interaction
phBuffer HANDLE
The handle of a Buffer to log the fields with the Actional Interaction

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