Namespace: Consultingwerk.BusinessEntityDesigner.Plugins.CustomServices
IDataRelationCustomizer Copy to Clipboard
Parent classes:
Inherits: Progress.Lang.Object

Purpose:Allows customization of an eDataRelation record after
it has been created
Syntax:Service Interface
Author(s):Mike Fechner / Consultingwerk Ltd.
Created:Thu Feb 20 22:48:38 CET 2014

Top Method Summary
Options Name Purpose
+ CustomizeDataRelation (rowid, dataset) Allows customization of the Data Relation Record

Method Detail

PUBLIC CustomizeDataRelation (rowid, dataset)

Purpose: Allows customization of the Data Relation Record
Notes: Use the proDataRelation ROWID to locate the added ROWID

proDataRelation ROWID
The ROWID of the Data Relation record
dsBusinessEntity DATASET dsBusinessEntity
Dataset with the current Business Entity model

ProDataset Detail

ProDataset dsBusinessEntity

Member tables: eBusinessEntity, eDataRelation, eDataRelationProperties, eTable, eField, eFieldProperties, eIndex, eIndexProperties, eTableProperties, eBusinessEntityProperties

Temp-Table Detail

Temp-Table eBusinessEntity

Defined in:

Temp-Table eBusinessEntityProperties

Defined in:

Temp-Table eDataRelation

Defined in:

Temp-Table eDataRelationProperties

Defined in:

Temp-Table eField

Defined in:

Temp-Table eFieldProperties

Defined in:

Temp-Table eIndex

Defined in:

Temp-Table eIndexProperties

Defined in:

Temp-Table eTable

Defined in:

Temp-Table eTableProperties

Defined in:

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