Namespace: Consultingwerk.BusinessEntityDesigner.KendoUiBuilder
IViewBuilder Copy to Clipboard
Parent classes:
Inherits: Progress.Lang.Object
Implemented by: Consultingwerk.BusinessEntityDesigner.KendoUiBuilder.Builder.DataGridFormViewBuilder

Purpose:Interface for classes that support creating views
Description:Used by the ViewGenerator:CreateView method
Author(s):Mike Fechner / Consultingwerk Ltd.
Created:Mon Oct 03 07:55:59 CEST 2016

Top Method Summary
Options Name Purpose
+ CreateView (Module, dataset, character, character, character, character, character, CharacterList, ListViewerFieldSpec) Creates a view with the provided specifications to the module

Method Detail

PUBLIC CreateView (Module, dataset, character, character, character, character, character, CharacterList, ListViewerFieldSpec)

Purpose: Creates a view with the provided specifications to the module
Notes: Launches the specific view generator instance

poModule Consultingwerk.Web.KendoUiBuilder.Module.Module
The module to add the new view to
dsBusinessEntity DATASET dsBusinessEntity
The dataset with the Business Entity Model
The entity table and view tables
The type of the view to create
The name of the view to create
pcDataProvider CHARACTER
The name of the data provider
pcDataSource CHARACTER
The name of the data source
poGridColumns Consultingwerk.Framework.Collections.CharacterList
The list with the column names to use for the grid
poViewerFields Consultingwerk.BusinessEntityDesigner.Generator.Viewer.ListViewerFieldSpec
The list with the viewer field specs

ProDataset Detail

ProDataset dsBusinessEntity

Member tables: eBusinessEntity, eDataRelation, eDataRelationProperties, eTable, eField, eFieldProperties, eIndex, eIndexProperties, eTableProperties, eBusinessEntityProperties

Temp-Table Detail

Temp-Table eBusinessEntity

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Temp-Table eBusinessEntityProperties

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Temp-Table eDataRelation

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Temp-Table eDataRelationProperties

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Temp-Table eField

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Temp-Table eFieldProperties

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Temp-Table eIndex

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Temp-Table eIndexProperties

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Temp-Table eTable

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Temp-Table eTableProperties

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