Events and event methods reference

The following reference entries document both the events of built-in ABL classes and the built-in event methods for working with all class events. The ABL built-in classes also include a set of .NET objects defined by OpenEdge. For more information on all ABL built-in classes, see the Class, Interface, and Enumeration Reference. For information on class events defined for all other .NET objects, including the OpenEdge Ultra Controls for .NET, see the Microsoft, Infragistics®, or other third-party documentation provided for a given .NET object.

The reference entries for events that follow appear in alphabetical order by event name. Each reference entry includes the syntax required to define the signature for the event handler as a class-based method, with EventHandlerName used to indicate a name that you specify for the event handler. If you define the event handler as an internal procedure, define the same number of parameters in order by parameter mode and data type. If the event is a .NET event, the entry description also lists the name of the .NET delegate type defined for the event.