GetProcess( ) method

Retrieves a Process instance from the UserSession object based upon the External Instance ID (EIID) passed.

Return type: Progress.BPM.Process class

Access: PUBLIC

Applies to: Progress.BPM.UserSession class


GetProcess( INPUT processname AS CHARACTER )

GetProcess( INPUT processId AS INT64 )

GetProcess( INPUT processTemplateName AS CHARACTER, 
            INPUT eiid AS CHARACTER)
The name of the process instance to be retrieved.
The ID of the process to be retrieved.
The name of the template for the Process instance.
The EIID of the Process instance to be retrieved.

If the method succeeds, it returns a reference to a Progress.BPM.Process object. The Progress.BPM.Process object is a snapshot of the process instance created on the Business Process Server. If the method fails, it raises a BPM error.