STATUS statement

Specifies the text that appears in the status line of a window. The AVM displays the following default messages on that line:

Note: Does not apply to SpeedScript programming.


  {   DEFAULT [ expression ]
     | INPUT [ OFF | expression ]
  [ IN WINDOW window ]
DEFAULT expression
Replaces the default status message when a user is running a procedure (the default status message is blanks). The expression must be character and must be enclosed in quotes if it is a constant. If you do not specify an expression, the AVM resets the STATUS DEFAULT line to its original state. The STATUS DEFAULT is a maximum of 63 characters.
Tells the AVM not to display an input status message.
INPUT expression
Replaces the default status message when a user is entering data into a frame field. The expression must be character and must be enclosed in quotes if it is a constant. If you do not specify an expression, the AVM resets the STATUS INPUT line to its original state.
IN WINDOW window
Specifies the window in which to set the status message. If you omit the IN WINDOW phrase, the STATUS statement applies to the current window.


This procedure replaces the default status messages with two other messages:


STATUS DEFAULT "All Around Sports Order Processing System".
 \STATUS INPUT "Enter data, or use the " + KBLABEL("END-ERROR") +
  " key to exit".

FOR EACH Customer:
  DISPLAY Customer.Name.
  FOR EACH Order OF Customer:
    UPDATE Order.OrderNum Order.PromiseDate Order.OrderDate Order.ShipDate.
  UPDATE Customer.CreditLimit.


See also

MESSAGE statement, PAUSE statement